New developments around the domicile relationship focusing especially on the Uruguayan legislative reform




private international law , conflict system , domicile, mobile disputes


Among today's very many methodologies to tackle the various dimensions of a private case with foreign elements, the dominant trend has been to choose one of the various options for the traditional dispute approach (lex fori, bilateral, unilateral and flexible perspectives). The heart of the matter is the so-called “conflict of law”, solved through the formal or indirect conflict rule. In general, at least in the Americas, countries tend to adopt the domicile criterion (both in the Treaties of Montevideo on  International Civil Law from 1889 and 1940, in Inter-American Conventions and in Mercosur rules, among others). The latest enactment of the General Law on Private International Law (Act 19920) forces us to revisit the domicile localizer, given that it stands as the bedrock of the Uruguayan conflict system.


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Author Biography

Alejandro Matias Ferreira Marino, Universidad de la República , Uruguay

Licenciado en Relaciones Internacionales por la Universidad de la República, Uruguay. Aspirante a Docente en Derecho Internacional Público e Historia de las Relaciones Internacionales, así como docente de Protocolo y Ceremonial y en diversas Tecnicaturas de UTU (“Universidad del Trabajo de Uruguay”), Miembro del Centro de estudios de la propiedad intelectual (CEPI) y de la Escuela Latinoamericana de la Propiedad Intelectual (ELAPI).


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How to Cite

Ferreira Marino, A. M. (2023). New developments around the domicile relationship focusing especially on the Uruguayan legislative reform. Revista Electrónica De Derecho Internacional Contemporáneo, 6(6), 048.