Control of conventionality: the finishing line or an interpretation road?

Reflecting upon the scope of the doctrine of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights




Inter-American Human Rights System, Conventionality Control, Constitutional Reasoning, judicial interpretation , principle of proportionality , principle pro personae


The doctrine of conventionality control has proven controversial from its very beginnings, and has both supporters and detractors, who have ventured into a dispute that does not seem to end. In this work, we do not intend to take sides for or against the legitimacy of conventionality control, but rather to ask a specific question about the scope that such doctrine has or that it could have. Since the creation of the doctrine, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights has been shaping various aspects of the doctrine and it could be argued that progress has been made towards its expansion. However, the Court has not yet dealt with the following question, which we wish to tackle here: should we understand that conventionality control includes only the obligation to apply the standards that arise from the text of the Convention plus the interpretations of the Court, or does it also involve the duty to adopt the way in which they are to be applied? In other words, we are interested in exploring whether, in the current situation or through future developments, this control could be understood to comprise not only interpretive results but also the adoption of certain hermeneutical guidelines.


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Author Biographies

Gisela Ferrari, Univerisidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Becaria doctoral (UBA-CONICET). Máster en Derecho Público (London School of Economics). Coeditora Jefe de la Revista Internacional de Derechos Humanos.

Fátima López Poletti, Universidad Católica Argentina, Argentina

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How to Cite

Ferrari, G., & López Poletti, F. (2022). Control of conventionality: the finishing line or an interpretation road? Reflecting upon the scope of the doctrine of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Revista Electrónica De Derecho Internacional Contemporáneo, 5(5), 033.