Statehood as the holy grial of the geopolitical and legitimizing use of international law

Considerations from an actual case as interpreted by the cinema




subjects of international law, interaction with international law, law and literature, critical analysis of law, teaching of international law


The film Rose Island (2020), based on the true history of this micro-State, is the starting point for a double pedagogical and critical exercise. We first study aspects related to the teaching of institutions and the basic pillars of international law, mostly - though not exclusively - regarding issues connected to subjectivity. Then, we look at how the analysis of the film also reveals historically and politically-charged realities and tensions that are inherent and even constitutive of international law. The “state-centrism” of international law is evident in the period in which the narrative takes place, and we can see that, even today, much of what concerns international institutions and their formation depends on the will of the subjects identified with the socially constructed collective entities we call States. In both analyses, we can see how statehood continues to be a very attractive figure, insofar as it constitutes the basis for privileges of action.


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Author Biography

Nicolás Carrillo-Santarelli, Universidad de Monterrey, México

Investigador asociado del Instituto de Empresas y Derechos Humanos de la Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM), México. 


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How to Cite

Carrillo-Santarelli, N. ., & de Casas, I. (2021). Statehood as the holy grial of the geopolitical and legitimizing use of international law: Considerations from an actual case as interpreted by the cinema. Revista Electrónica De Derecho Internacional Contemporáneo, 4(4), 023.