Revaluating the Place of Practice in an Electronic Engineering Chair

An Innovation Proposal for the Tteaching of Digital Systems




Electronic Engineering, Innovation in practices, Didactic methodology, Teaching of Digital Systems


In the dictation of the practices, over the years the need for a change that makes it possible to apply the concepts developed during the theory to the resolution of real problems that add experience to the professional future has been evidenced. As a result of this need, a proposal for intervention in the teaching methodology of Digital Systems in the Electronic Engineering Degree at UNLP was developed. This proposal includes aspects of problem-based learning, which promotes the development of creativity and reasoning in solving real problems that require the application of theoretical concepts and the functional implementation of a digital system to meet the requested requirements.

Through innovation, it will seek to promote a change in the way of transmitting knowledge, proposing a closer and more dynamic theory-practice relationship that requires an active role in students, making them generate questions, inquire and investigate in a wide practice space nurtured with characteristics of project development. The proposal is based on a constructivist perspective, where the student is the protagonist and the teacher has a follow-up and inquiry tutorial role.


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How to Cite

Osio, J. (2019). Revaluating the Place of Practice in an Electronic Engineering Chair: An Innovation Proposal for the Tteaching of Digital Systems. Trayectorias Universitarias, 5(8), 007.