Between pandemic and post-pandemic: The CIF to analyze




pandemic, post-pandemic, face-to-face, virtuality, ingress class, philosophy


In this paper we succinctly present the teaching experience of the Philosophy Admissions Course (CIF) for the years 2021 and 2022, two years deeply affected by the pandemic. The 2021 edition of the course was completely virtual while the 2022 edition was face-to-face but within the framework of careful return. Starting from this presentation in which we will give an account of the peculiarities of these two editions of the CIF, we point out some limitations and problems that we encounter.

The shared reflections take as their starting point the objectives and the spirit of the entrance course thought as a tool for academic inclusion and approach to university life in general and in philosophy careers in particular. We will point out how this proposal could be deployed, in which aspects yes and in which aspects not, both in forced virtuality and in the return of careful face-to-face.


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How to Cite

Bethencourt, V., & Barrientos, N. (2022). Between pandemic and post-pandemic: The CIF to analyze. Trayectorias Universitarias, 8(15), 109.