Hybrid classroom: A window to the possible path





new normality, self-managed learning, upper level


As of 2022 in our country, it returns to normality, but this is not exactly the same as that of the pre-pandemic, establishing "a new normality". Education must adapt to the new circumstances and the role of the teacher accompanies these changes, becoming a mediator, favoring self-managed training processes. It is important that the pedagogical offer is in accordance with the needs, therefore, the purpose of this work is to share a specific experience of a hybrid model in the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Museum of the UNLP. To find out how the hybrid model was received, a survey was carried out among the students, which allowed us to find out if this mixed model was chosen as the first option, if they are satisfied with the face-to-face meetings prior to each partial, and the advantages and disadvantages they find in this type of course Responses from 34% of the students were received. 45% of them were written down by their own choice and 90% are satisfied with the methodology. In our experience, it was possible to supplement the inconveniences regarding the recognition of practical material, by incorporating the hybrid model, adding face-to-face classes that enriched the pedagogical proposal through practical classes, consultation, exchange, and debate.


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How to Cite

Armendano, A., González, S., & Camino, N. (2022). Hybrid classroom: A window to the possible path. Trayectorias Universitarias, 8(15), 108. https://doi.org/10.24215/24690090e108