Online assistants as enhancers of the use of ICT in the context of emergency education due to the coronavirus pandemic




virtualization in emergency, online assistants, long distance education, technological tools


The experience of the teaching team of the subject Management in University Extension (GEU) was given in a four-month and compulsory course corresponding to the career: Bachelor's Degree in Resource Management for University Institutions, from the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences of the National University from La Plata. Regarding the learning objectives, the intention was to problematize the field of university extension and for students to appropriate the theoretical, methodological and practical tools to formulate, execute and evaluate extension projects. The teaching team and the student body encountered the challenge of going through classes virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For this, the career coordination conducted a survey with the students to find out if they had an Internet connection and devices to study the subjects under this modality. Upon learning of the favorable results of the survey, the pedagogical couple sought to involve digital tools, such as online assistants that are useful as enhancers for the dynamics of the course.


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How to Cite

Espinoza, J. A., & Otamendi Emaar, B. (2022). Online assistants as enhancers of the use of ICT in the context of emergency education due to the coronavirus pandemic. Trayectorias Universitarias, 8(15), 107.