Accompaniment at admission and permanence through the PARES-UNLPAM Tutoring Program




admission, permanence, institutional programs, educational policies, right to higher education


This work is framed in the research project "Educational policies, discourses and institutional practices for educational inclusion in the province of La Pampa (Rs.N°042-CD-2018), located in the Faculty of Human Sciences of the University National of La Pampa. The study presented refers to the development of the Peer Tutoring Program at the National University of La Pampa, particularly addressing the special context of the Social and Compulsory Preventive Isolation that Argentina is going through and its impact on the beginning of the students of the academic year. Based on the work carried out by the Program, it was possible to identify some problematic situations and develop strategies that try to articulate the existing resources at the University as concrete work proposals. Methodologically, student surveys were used and previous and current regulations that give the Program a legal framework were analyzed.


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How to Cite

Rasilla Tomaselli, S. (2022). Accompaniment at admission and permanence through the PARES-UNLPAM Tutoring Program. Trayectorias Universitarias, 8(15), 106.