Design of an equine production systems analysis tool aimed at teaching and professional use




production, equine, management


Equine production has particularities that make it difficult to interpret and analyze with traditional industrial or agricultural models. Modeling based on economics or results in productive subjects is essential to manage the approach, even more so in students with strong clinical training.In this paper we present a versatile analysis tool, focused mainly on the veterinary zootechnician, so that through a small form, find the main points to work on in the establishment, with the emphasis on being able to project improvements and generate a profitable business, or that is self-sustaining. Fragmented and weighted analysis of the system is proposed. For which we divide the establishment into 3 sectors: non-animal structure, animal management and economic management. This tool is used in the equine production subject of the FCV-UNLP in the last 3 weeks of the course integrating the knowledge developed in the semester, working in this case with real and fictitious situations developed by teachers in order to visualize the problems most frequently encountered in our environment.We consider a significant contribution in the teaching and practical framework for the profile of the equine veterinary zootechnician from the element of analysis developed here.


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How to Cite

Trigo, P., Kienast, M., & Sadaba, S. . (2022). Design of an equine production systems analysis tool aimed at teaching and professional use. Trayectorias Universitarias, 8(14), 090.