Three virtual tools for collaborative learning and formative assessment




virtual tools, collaborative learning, formative assessment


This paper aims to be a contribution to the pedagogical proposals mediated by technologies, presenting the possibilities offered by three web 2.0 tools to motivate, stimulate and facilitate interaction between students for collaborative work and, at the same time, allow the intervention of the teacher for a monitoring and assessment of the collective learning process. We propose a conceptual framework of collaborative learning, its theoretical bases and the formative evaluation of group activities. We describe the functional features of Google Drive, Miro and Mindmeister highlighting the different resources they provide. These tools are not only proposed for the purpose of technological innovation in the educational environment, but also to enhance the processes of acquiring competencies and socializing knowledge, from a socio-constructivist approach to learning. The inclusion of technologies for collaborative learning allow teachers to organize the bimodal classroom with the maximum use of virtual spaces.


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How to Cite

Schmidt, K. I., González, A. M., Abal, A. A., & Tanevitch, A. (2022). Three virtual tools for collaborative learning and formative assessment. Trayectorias Universitarias, 8(14), 096.

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