Rethinking the moments, types and evaluation criteria at the University in the framework of new educational contexts




evaluation systems, strategies, higher education, formative evaluation


In recent years, Higher Education shows signs of change, referring to the way of understanding teaching and learning at the university. It is known that traditional teaching is mainly focused on the transmission of knowledge taken as "absolute truths" and on the verification of learning. Innovations have introduced new forms of evaluation, through the transformation of its conception, its purposes and functions. There is a varied proposal to classify evaluation in the teaching/learning process, which has been known for a long time in the teaching discourse. The following work focuses on a description of the evaluation and its moments in the university environment aimed at improving student learning; At the same time, some ideas that were analyzed and reflected on in the context of virtuality will be presented to improve the evaluation instances in the Chair of Chemical Processes in the 5th year of the Chemistry Degree of the Faculty of Exact Sciences (UNLP). The changes in scenarios in the 2020-21 cycle required a deployment of strategies by practicing teachers who had to reflect on their teacher training to make decisions about, among other issues, the moments and types of evaluation.


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How to Cite

Sosa, A. A., & Mancini, V. (2022). Rethinking the moments, types and evaluation criteria at the University in the framework of new educational contexts. Trayectorias Universitarias, 8(14), 098.