From discriminatory practices to collective constructions: a report on experiences of transverse paths in connection with disabilities / accessibility at the UNLP




disability, accesibility, supports, Higher Education


From the Department of Inclusion, Disability and Human Rights of the UNLP, we hereby share in the present report the actions taken during the pandemic to promote and guarantee the rights of people with disabilities, from a perspective of accessibility. These aforementioned actions include a training course, which was carried out by the production of academic accessibility, and the development of an app for mobile phones. Such actions are directed towards students, educators, non-educators, graduates and the community in general, to offer resources that guarantee the right to education. We understand that disability is a social construction in which —from an inclusive perspective in terms of what has been established by the UNLP statute, along with the national and international normative— the accomplished work is seen from a transversal, interdisciplinary and collective perspective. Upon formulating institutional policies regarding accessibility, it is guaranteed that any person with a disability shall feel welcome to UNLP.


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How to Cite

Katz, S. L., & Miranda, L. (2021). From discriminatory practices to collective constructions: a report on experiences of transverse paths in connection with disabilities / accessibility at the UNLP. Trayectorias Universitarias, 7(13), 066.