Report of an experience of approaching the mainstreaming of gender and violence problem in the Introductory Course, FCNyM, UNLP

Relato de una experiencia de abordaje




higher education, gender, violence, strategies


In this paper, we intend to relate the experience of the FCNyM entrants, mainstreaming the perspective throughout the course and identifying it in a specific action on the occasion of the international commemoration of the 8M.

As a strategy, we worked from the beginning of enrollment in the Faculty with different materials and strategies to highlight the need to consider these problems as linked to accessibility and inclusion in higher education.

We optimize to think about your design information, content and reflections shared within the framework of the STPG, of the Dirección de Políticas de Género DDHH , UNLP 

Thus, having the virtual classroom and its possibilities of reaching the entire enrollment, in a safe, respectful and caring environment, we capture in a commemorative activity a diversity of issues worked on and addressed in previous courses.

We hope that this article allows us to deepen and share our reflections, concerns and challenges about the practices of mainstreaming inclusion policies and support strategies in Higher Education


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How to Cite

Dippolito, A., & Lago, F. (2021). Report of an experience of approaching the mainstreaming of gender and violence problem in the Introductory Course, FCNyM, UNLP: Relato de una experiencia de abordaje. Trayectorias Universitarias, 7(13), 070.