The transformations of teaching in university beginnings: An experience in the context of forced virtuality




forced virtuality, university beginnings, virtual classes, grounded theory


University beginnings have been a reason for research, reflection and debate during the last decades from the massification of admission to higher education. In this very particular year, new questions are added to this discussion: what lessons have we learned from the teaching time spent in forced virtuality (Authors, 2020)? What type of resources from those implemented in the context of the work carried out during the ASPO will remain in a potential return to normality?

These and other questions are the ones that guide our research carried out simultaneously with the virtualization process (Orozco 2013) that transformed the teaching of the subjects of the initial cycle of the Arturo Jauretche National University during 2020. Following the contributions of the methodology of the grounded theory (Lora, Cavadias & Miranda; 2017) we will give an account of how teaching was transformed: what decisions did the teaching teams of the subjects make? How did virtual spaces promote collective teaching work? To the extent that virtual practices could be readapted? What were the main factors that conditioned teaching? These are some of the questions that invite us to reflect and challenge us to think about continuities in the return to presence.


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Bifano, F.; Almirón, A.: Cabaña, L.; Gonzalez, K. (2020). “Clases virtuales en el ingreso universitario: la emergencia en la construcción de sentido”. Trayectorias Universitarias, 6(10), 022.

Glaser, B., & Strauss, A. (1999). “Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research” (1st ed.). Routledge.

Gueudet, G. & Trouche, L. (2009). “Towards new documentation systems for mathematics teachers?” Educational Studies in Mathematics, 71(3), 199-218.

Lora A. A., Cavadias, L. M. y Miranda, A. J. (2017). “La Teoría Fundamentada en el Marco de la Investigación Educativa”. Saber, ciencia y libertad, 12(1), 10.

Orozco, J. (2013). “La Virtualidad en Educación Superior: Una Perspectiva”. XIV Encuentro Internacional Virtual Educa. Colombia.



How to Cite

Bifano, F., Almirón, A., Cabana, L., & Gonzalez, K. (2021). The transformations of teaching in university beginnings: An experience in the context of forced virtuality. Trayectorias Universitarias, 7(12), 061.