Articulation and integration experience in teaching, research and extension practices in higher education




This article presents different processes run at Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto in relation to the way of integrality.  History and actions of the Consejo National Universitario, como actor central de vinculacion and articulating learning practices, research and extension services are described.  These interactions must occur under a context and inserted in the currying reality.

In this sense, some progress its done creating institutional mechanisms able to give answers to the problems using special programs.  Integrality is pretended understanding articulations of social and academical actors that conceive the tasks deeply connected in the actual social and historical contest.

This purpose is framed within the general guidance agreed in the Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto Statuto where extension is seen as another form of knowledge construction interacting with the scientific practice.  Extension must advocate for developing practical-experiencial-professional and inductive knowledge.  This knowledge must be generated locally and transdisciplinary with practical endpoints stimulating positive interactions and enrichment the body of knowledges.


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Author Biographies

Manuel Schneider, Coordinador Consejo Social | Universidad Nacional Río Cuarto | Argentina

Médico Veterinario | Profesor Asociado de la Universidad Nacional Río Cuarto | Especialista en Docencia Universitaria.

Estefanía Bresso, Integrante del Equipo del Consejo Social | Universidad Nacional Río Cuarto | Argentina

Profesora de Historia

Daniela Giuppone, Integrante del Equipo del Consejo Social | Universidad Nacional Río Cuarto | Argentina

Licenciada en Trabajo Social


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How to Cite

Schneider, M. ., Bresso, E. ., & Giuppone, D. . (2020). Articulation and integration experience in teaching, research and extension practices in higher education. Trayectorias Universitarias, 6(11), 031.