Possibilities and limitations of the Practice Path in times of Pandemic. The case of the UNR Faculty in Mathematics





Teaching staff in Mathematics, Professional Teaching Practice, Virtualization, Pandemic


This paper is located in the development of the teaching practice path in the context of the pandemic of the year 2020, taking as a case the Faculty in Mathematics of the National University of Rosario. This university, as well as others in the national territory, has chosen to approach a pedagogy of virtualization during the period of isolation. For the career in question, the path of teaching practice constitutes its articulating project, as it is developed intentionally and comprehensively from the first to the fourth and last year of the study plan. In this framework, the present work takes up testimonies of teachers from the respective curricular spaces. Specifically, the teachers share opinions and experiences regarding both the similarities and the differences with respect to the classroom in social, technological, institutional and content terms. They also mention difficulties they are having in this context and, in turn, point out aspects that could be enhancing themselves compared to what usually happens in the classroom. Finally, they identify limitations inherent in virtuality for the development of the path of interest, without ceasing to point out possibilities that in these circumstances are emerging. These situated reflections allow to strengthen the knowledge about the adaptations of the training devices to be a teacher in Mathematics that are used in the career. An understanding of the matter from educational research makes it possible not only to respond to the current situation, but also to continue improving the mechanisms to contribute to society with qualified professionals, with tools to decipher the needs of their time, in the key of university social commitment.

KEY WORDS: Teaching staff in Mathematics, Professional Teaching Practice, Virtualization, Pandemic.


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How to Cite

Sgreccia, N., & Cirelli, M. (2020). Possibilities and limitations of the Practice Path in times of Pandemic. The case of the UNR Faculty in Mathematics. Trayectorias Universitarias, 6(10), 024. https://doi.org/10.24215/24690090e024