Innovation and improvisation in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic: an experience report




Virtual emergency education, COVID-19, Teaching of Mathematics, ICT and Education


In this paper, the experience of our teaching team in the context of the contingency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is reported. Our university decided in this particular context to ratify its academic calendar and guarantee pedagogical continuity through the distance learning modality. This requirement put the teachers of the house to think and act with great speed, selecting the tools and methodologies that we consider most appropriate to guarantee the right to continue studying the majority of our students. In this work, we want to present the didactic strategies carried out by our teaching team - which is in charge of a committee of the Mathematical Chair A, of the Faculty of Engineering of the National University of La Plata -, some of the difficulties that We have found ourselves on this path and some results that allow us to positively value the experience.

KEY WORDS:  Virtual emergency education, COVID-19, Teaching of Mathematics, ICT and Education



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How to Cite

Del Río, . L. S. ., Knopoff, . . P. ., Boero, E. ., & Ciliberti, L. . (2020). Innovation and improvisation in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic: an experience report. Trayectorias Universitarias, 6(10), 020.